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Internal Medicine Billing


Internal Medicine Billing

We understand that managing the financial aspect of your practice can be daunting, especially with the complexities of internal medicine services. That’s why our team of trained and experienced professionals is here to streamline your billing for internal medicine, ensuring maximum reimbursement and minimal stress for you and your staff.

Common Billing Challenges in Internal Medicine

Internal medicine practices face a innumerable billing challenges, from accurately coding complex services to ensuring proper documentation for reimbursement. With our expertise in internal medicine billing, we can help you overcome these obstacles seamlessly.

Complex Coding and Documentation

Internal medicine services often involve complex procedures and diagnoses, making accurate coding and documentation crucial for proper reimbursement. Our team is well-versed in the latest coding guidelines and documentation requirements, ensuring that your claims are submitted correctly the first time.

Handling Multiple Specialty Services

Many internal medicine practices offer a range of specialty services, further complicating the billing process. Whether you provide cardiology, pulmonology, or gastroenterology services, our team has the expertise to handle billing for all your specialties efficiently.

Insurance Pre-authorization and Verification

Steering the pre-authorization and verification process with insurance companies can be time-consuming and frustrating. Our team will take care of these tasks for you, ensuring that your patients receive the care they need without unnecessary delays.

Medicare and Medicaid Regulations

Medicare and Medicaid regulations are constantly evolving, making it challenging for internal medicine practices to stay compliant.  With DoctorsBackOffice, you can rest assured knowing that we stay up-to-date with the latest regulations, ensuring that your billing practices are always in line with government requirements.

Strategies to Overcome Billing Challenges

At DoctorsBackOffice, we employ a variety of strategies to overcome the billing challenges faced by internal medicine practices. From implementing efficient billing processes to providing ongoing support and training for your staff, we will work tirelessly to maximize your revenue and minimize your stress.


Internal medicine physicians, selecting the right Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes and modifiers is crucial for maximizing reimbursements.

Below are some commonly used CPT codes and modifiers that can help internal medicine physicians optimize their billing:
Commonly Used CPT Codes:

Office/Outpatient Visit Codes (Evaluation and Management Services)

  • 99201-99205


  • 99211-99215


Preventive Medicine Services
  • 99381-99387


  • 99391-99397


Chronic Care Management (CCM) Services
  • 99487


  • 99489


Transitional Care Management (TCM) Services
  • 99495


  • 99496


Care Plan Oversight
  • 99339


  • 99340


Prolonged Services
  • 99354


  • 99355


Commonly Used Modifiers

Modifier 25, 59, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27


Choosing the appropriate CPT codes and modifiers requires a thorough understanding of the services provided and documentation to support medical necessity. Our, certified billing and coding staff understand the complexities of internal medicine services and stay up-to-date with the latest coding guidelines and regulations. Whether you’re facing challenges with complex coding, documentation requirements, or navigating insurance pre-authorization and verification processes, our team has the knowledge and skills to address all your billing questions and concerns.

Benefits of Outsourcing Internal Medicine Billing to DoctorsBackOffice

Outsourcing internal medicine billing to DoctorsBackOffice offers numerous benefits for your practice. With our trained and experienced staff, who has worked with all types of EHR software, you can trust that your billing processes are in capable hands. Additionally, by outsourcing your billing, you can save time and resources, allowing you to focus on providing quality care to your patients.

Cost Savings and Timely Claims Submission

One of the biggest advantages of outsourcing your medicine billing to DoctorsBackOffice is the cost savings and timely claim submission. Our streamlined processes and attention to detail ensure that your claims are submitted promptly and accurately, maximizing your reimbursement and minimizing revenue loss.


DoctorsBackOffice is your trusted partner in routing the complexities of internal medicine billing. With our expertise, dedication, and commitment to excellence, we can help your practice thrive financially while allowing you to focus on what you do best – providing exceptional care to your patients.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your internal medicine practice.

Read More: Cardiology Medical Billing Services