Home Practices Served Cardiology Medical Billing Services

Cardiology Medical Billing Services

Cardiology Medical Billing Services

As medical science advances in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease, so does the complexity of billing and coding for cardiology services.

Advances in research in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease

Cardiology has seen remarkable advances in diagnostic techniques and treatment methods, which have improved patient outcomes. From advanced imaging modalities such as cardiac MRI and CT angiography to minimally invasive procedures such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), the field of cardiology is evolving. These advances require accurate documentation, accurate coding, and adherence to coding guidelines to ensure optimal reimbursement and regulatory compliance.

Physician Doctorsbackoffice specializing in cardiology billing and coding services

DoctorsBackOffice is renowned for its expertise in cardiology billing and coding services. Our team consists of certified coders and billing professionals with in-depth knowledge of cardiology procedures, CPT codes, modifiers, and payer policies. We understand the nuances of cardiology billing, including interventional procedures, nuclear cardiology studies, cardiac surgery and heart failure management. By staying up-to-date with industry changes and regulatory requirements, we ensure accurate coding, compliant billing practices and maximum reimbursement for cardiology practices.

Understanding common CPT codes and modifiers is important in cardiology billing.

Cardiac catheterization (CPT 93458):

Used for diagnostic cardiac catheterization procedures with coronary angiography and hemodynamic measurements.


Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) (CPT 92920-92944):

Codes vary based on the complexity and number of vessels treated during a PCI procedure.


Echocardiography (CPT 93306-93308):

Includes transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiogram to evaluate heart function and structures.


Cardiac Device Implantation (CPT 33206-33249):

Codes for implantation of pacemakers, defibrillators, and cardiac resynchronization therapy devices.

Modifiers such as -59 (Specific Procedural Services) and -25 (Significant, Separately Identifiable Evaluation and Management Services) may be applied in certain situations that indicate separate services or separate E/M services during the process.

DoctorsBackOffice utilizes an advanced technology interface that seamlessly integrates with electronic health record (EHR) systems and practice management software used in cardiology practices.

Our comprehensive billing and coding services include:

Accurate coding of diagnostic tests (echocardiogram, stress tests, Holter monitoring).

Accurate coding for interventional procedures (angioplasty, stent placement, cardiac catheterization).

Compliance checks, corrective applications and documentation support.

Real-time claims processing, denial management and appeals assistance.

Transparent reporting and analytics for practice performance insights.

A leading comprehensive list of billed and coded diagnostic and treatment procedures

diagnostic process

Echocardiography (transthoracic, transesophageal).

Cardiac stress testing (exercise stress test, nuclear stress test).

Holter monitoring and event monitoring.

Cardiac MRI and CT angiography.


interventional procedure

Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI).

Cardiac catheterization (diagnostic and therapeutic).

Implantable device procedures (pacemaker, defibrillator).


Heart failure management and transplant services

A visit to a heart failure clinic.

Management of heart failure medications.

Assessment and pre-transplant assessment.


Partnering with DoctorsBackOffice for cardiology medical billing services provides significant value to cardiologists

Ensured compliance with coding and billing regulations.

Maximization of reimbursement and revenue optimization.

Reduced administrative burden and improved practice productivity.

Access to specialized expertise and industry-leading technology solutions.

Enhanced focus on patient care and improved patient satisfaction.

DoctorsBackOffice is your trusted ally in navigating the complexities of cardiology medical billing and coding. Our specialized expertise, technology-driven approach and commitment to deliver value make us the preferred choice for cardiologists seeking efficiency. Revenue Cycle Management remedy.

Contact us today to increase your cardiology practice’s financial performance and streamline the billing process with confidence.